LANDIS PRO 7.1 Disclaimer

This software is in the public domain and is the intellectual property of the acknowledged individuals (see acknowledgement). The recipient may not assert any proprietary rights thereto nor represent it to anyone as other than a program of the University of Missouri-Columbia. LANDIS is provided without warranty of any kind. The user assumes all responsibility for the accuracy and suitability of this program for his/her application. In no event will the authors or the University be liable for any damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of or the inability to use this program.

LANDIS 7.1 PRO was developed in the GIS and Spatial Analysis Laboratory at the University of Missouri-Columbia in collaboration with the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station. It is the intellectual property of the acknowledged individuals. The copyright is held by the University of Missouri-Columbia.

LANDIS PRO 7.1 Copyright

University of Missouri-Columbia 2011


LANDIS PRO 7.1 Dynamic Design
Hong S. He (1), Wen J. Wang (1), Jacob S. Fraser (3)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Overall Programming
Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Succession/Dispersal Module
Design: Hong S. He (1), Wen J. Wang (1), David R. Larsen (1), Stephen J. Shifley (3),Rencang Bu (4), Hojung Kim (1)
Implementation: Hong S. He (1) and Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Fire Module
Design: Jacob S. Fraser (3), Jian Yang (1), Hong S. He (1)
Implementation: Jian Yang(1), Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Wind Module
Design: David J. Mladenoff (2), Hong S. He (1)
Implementation: Hong S. He (1), Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Harvest Module
Design: Jacob S. Fraser (3), Hong S. He (1), Stephen R. Shifley (3)
Implementation: Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Fuel Module
Design: Hong S. He (1), Bo Z. Shang (1), Thomas R. Crow (3), Eric J. Gustafson (3), Stephen R. Shifley (3)
Implementation: Bo Z. Shang (1), Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Biological Disturbance Module
Design: Brian R. Sturtevant (3), Eric J. Gustafson (3), Wei Li (1), Hong S. He (1)
Implementation: Wei Li (1), Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS PRO 7.1 Input and Output Interface
Design: Wen J. Wang (1), Hong S. He (1)
Implementation: Qia Wang (1)
LANDIS Website Design and Coding
Jacob S. Fraser (3)
1. University of Missouri-Columbia
2. University of Wisconsin-Madison
3. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
4. Chinese Academy of Sciences
Funding Support for LANDIS PRO 7.1 Development
USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station
USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station
University of Missouri GIS Mission Enhancement Program
Dr. Hong S. He
School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri-Columbia, 203 ABNR Building, Columbia, MO 65211