I am a PhD student in Bioengineering at the University of Missouri. I received my B.S. in software engineering in 2014 and my master in computer applied technology in 2017 from South China Agricultural University. In 2017, I joined the Precision Automated Agricultural Lab and I am working on precision agriculture using remote sensing technology. I am interested in image processing, computer vision and machine learning.
Current Project
- Cotton yield estimation using UAV-based remote sensoring
- Evaluation of cotton emergence using UAV-based hyperspectral imagery
- Evaluate soybean growth and yield due to field topography using UAV-based imagery
- Feng, A., M. Zhang, K. Sudduth, E. Vories, and J. Zhou*. 2019. Yield estimation in cotton using UAV-based multi-sensor imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote. In Review.
- Feng, A., M. Zhang, K. Sudduth, E. Vories, and J. Zhou*. 2019. Cotton yield estimation from UAV-based plant height. Transactions of the ASABE. 62(2). DOI:10.13031/trans.13067
- Feng, A., K. Sudduth, E. Vories, M. Zhang and J. Zhou*. 2018. Cotton Yield Estimation based on Plant Height From UAV-based Imagery Data. ASABE Paper No. 1800483. St. Joseph, MI.: ASABE.