Important Links:

Graduate Studies:

Academic Areas:

Classes I Teach:

AAE 8430 International Agricultural Development Policy: An analytical review of economic policies directed toward stimulating agricultural development in the world’s low income countries. Prerequisites: ECONOM 7351 and ECONOM 7353. (3 credits)

AAE 8001 Agricultural Economics Problems (3 credits)

Undergraduate Studies:

Academic Areas:

Undergraduate Class I teach during the Spring Semester:

ABM 3271 International Agricultural Development: Examines world food problem; analyzes its causes; economic and noneconomic policy alternatives for modernizing agriculture in less-developed countries. Prerequisites: AG_EC 1041 and AG_EC 1042 and junior standing. (3 credits). Read more here: Advertising Agricultural Economics 3271. Send me an email if you would like a copy of the syllabus.

Helpful Resources:

United Nations: Development

Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N.

U.N. Millennium Development Goals