PDFs of Selected Books
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Invited Journal Articles
Books and Editing Roles
Chapters in Books
Invited Publications by International Organizations

PDFs of Selected Books

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Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Valdivia, C. and C. Barbieri. 2014. Experiential Agritourism: A Sustainable Strategy for Adapting to Climate Change in the Andean Altiplano. Tourism Management Perspectives. 11: 18-25.
  • Aguilera, J., P. P. Motavalli, M. A. Gonzales, and C. Valdivia. 2014. Evaluation of rapid field test method for assessing nitrogen status in potato plant tissue in rural communities in the Bolivian Andean highlands. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. DOI:10.1080/00103624.2013.857680
  • Valdivia, C., J. Gilles, and C. Turin. 2013. Andean Pastoral Women in a Changing World: Challenges and Opportunities. Rangelands. 35(6): 75-81.
  • Gao, J., C. Barbieri, and C. Valdivia. 2013. Agricultural landscape preferences: Implications for agritourism development. Journal of Travel Research. DOI: 10.1177/0047287513496471
  • Gomez- Montano, L., A. Jumpponen, M. A. Gonzales, J. Cusicanqui, C. Valdivia, P. Motavalli, M. Herman, K. Garrett. 2013. Do bacterial and fungal communities in soils of the Bolivian Altiplano change under shorter fallow periods? Soil Biology and Biochemistry.65: 50-59.
  • Aguilera, J., P. P. Motavalli, M. A. Gonzales, and C. Valdivia.2013. Response of a Potato-Based Cropping System to Conventional and Alternative Fertilizers in the Andean Highlands. Accepted. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science. 3(20):139-162.
  • Aguilera, J., P. P. Motavalli, C. Valdivia and M. A. Gonzales. 2013. Impacts of Cultivation and Fallow Length on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Availability in the Bolivian Andean Highland Region. Mountain Research and Development. 33(4): 391-403.
  • Gilles, J., J. Thomas, C. Valdivia, and E. YucraSea. 2013. Where are the Laggards? Conservers of traditional knowledge in Bolivia. Rural Sociology. 78(1): 51-74.
  • Valdivia, C., J. Thibeault, J.L. Gilles, M. García, and A. Seth. 2013. Climate Trends and Projections for the Andean Altiplano and Strategies for Adaptation. Advances in Science and Research. ( 33): 69-77. http://www.adv-geosci.net/33/index.html
  • Garrett, K.A., A. Dobson, J. Kroschel, B. Natarajan, S. Orlandini, S. Randolph, H. E. Z. Tonnang, and C. Valdivia. 2013. The effects of climate variability and the color of weather tie series on agricultural diseases and pests, and on decisions for their management. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 170: 216–227 On-line: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.04.018.
  • Aguilera, J., P. P. Motavalli, M. A. Gonzales, and C. Valdivia. 2012. Initial and Residual Effects of Organic and Inorganic Amendments on Soil Properties in a Potato-Based Cropping System in the Bolivian Andean Highlands. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture 2(4):641-666.
  • Holderieath, J., C. Valdivia, L. Godsey, and C. Barbieri. 2012. The potential for carbon offset trading to provide added incentive to adopt silvopasture and alley cropping in Missouri. Agroforestry Systems. 86: 345-353. On-line first. DOI 10.1007/s10457-012-9543-3
  • Valdivia, C., C. Barbieri, and M. Gold. 2012. Between Forestry and Farming: Policy and Environmental Implications of the Barriers to Agroforestry Adoption. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 60: 155–175.
  • Valdivia, C., S. Jeanetta, L. Y. Flores, A. Morales and D. Martínez. 2012. Latino/a Wealth and Livelihood Strategies in Rural Midwestern Communities. Choices 1st Quarter, 27(1). www.choicesmagazine.org/choice-magazine/theme-articles/rural-wealth-creation/
  • Valdivia, C., and L. Y. Flores. 2012. Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of Latino/a Immigrants in the Midwest. Journal of Career Development. 39(1 February):31-49DOI: 10.1177/0894845310386478.
  • Garrett, K. A., G. A. Forbes, S. Savary, P. Skelsey, A. H. Sparks, C. Valdivia, A. H. C. van Bruggen, L. Willocquet, A. Djurle, E. Duveiller, H. Eckersten, S. Pande, C. Vera Cruz, and J. Yuen. 2011. Complexity in Climate Change Impacts: An Analytical Framework for Effects Mediated by Plant Disease. Plant Pathology. 60: 15-30.
  • Barbieri, C., and C. Valdivia. 2010. Recreation and Agroforestry: Examining New Dimensions of Multifunctionality in Family Farms. Journal of Rural Studies. 26(4): 465-473.
  • Valdivia, C., A. Seth, J. L. Gilles, M. García, E. Jiménez, J. Cusicanqui, F. Navia, and E. Yucra. 2010. Adapting to Climate Change in Andean Ecosystems: Landscapes, Capitals, and Perceptions Shaping Rural Livelihood Strategies and Linking Knowledge Systems.  Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 100 (4): 818-834.
  • Seth, A., J. Thibeault, M. García, and C. Valdivia. 2010. Making Sense of 21st Century Climate Change in the Altiplano: Observed Trends and CMIP3 Projections. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 100 (4): 835-865.
  • Barbieri, C., and C. Valdivia. 2010. Recreational Multifunctionals and Its Implications for Agroforestry Diffusion. Agroforestry Systems. 79: 5–18
  • Valdivia, C., and A. Dannerbeck. 2009. Moving Around to Get By and Try to Get Ahead: Immigration experiences in new settlement communities of the Midwest. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education 12 (3): 29-41.
  • Gilles, J.L., and C. Valdivia. 2009. Local Forecast Communication in the Altiplano. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 90 (1): 85-91.
  • Valdivia, C., and C. Poulos. 2009. Factors Affecting Farm Operators’ Interest in Incorporating Riparian Buffers and Forest Farming Practices in Northeast and Southeast Missouri. Agroforestry Systems. 75 (1): 61-71.
  • Arbuckle, J. G. Jr., C. Valdivia, A. Raedeke, J. Green, and J. S. Rikoon. 2009. Non-Operator Landowner Interest in Agroforestry Practices in Two Missouri Watersheds. Agroforestry Systems.75 (1): 73-82.
  • Dozi, P., and C. Valdivia. 2008. Vulnerabilities and Economics Wellbeing of Hispanics in Non-Metro Missouri. Latino(a) Research Review. 6 (3): 65-92.
  • Valdivia, C. 2004. Andean Livelihoods and the Livestock Portfolio. Culture and Agriculture. 26 (1&2): 19-29.
  • Raedeke, A., J. J. Green, S. S. Hodge, and C. Valdivia. 2003. Farmers, the Practice of Farming and the Future of Agroforestry: An Application of Bourdieu’s Concepts of Field and Habitus. Rural Sociology. 68 (1): 64-86.
  • Valdivia, C. 2001. Gender, Livestock Assets, Resource Management, and Food Security: Lessons from the SR-CRSP.Agriculture and Human Values. 18 (1): 27-39.
  • Valdivia, C. 1999. Returns to Investments in Small Ruminant Research in Indonesia. The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (SR-CRSP) in West Java. Agricultural Economics.21(1999): 41-51.

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Invited Journal Articles

  • Valdivia, C., P. Dozi, S. Jeanetta, L. Y. Flores, D. Martinez, and A. Dannerbeck. 2008. Networks and Context of Reception in Asset Accumulation Strategies of Latino Newcomers in Rural Settlement Communities of the Midwest: A New Framework for Understanding Immigration. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 90 (5): 1319-1325.
  • Valdivia C., E. Jiménez, and A. Romero. 2007. El Impacto de los Cambios Climáticos y de Mercado en Comunidades Campesinas del Altiplano de La Paz. (The Impact of Climate and Market Changes in Peasant Communities of the Altiplano of La Paz). Umbrales (La Paz, Bolivia). 16 (December): 233-262.
  • Valdivia, C., and J. L. Gilles. 2001. Gender and Resource Management: Households and Groups, Strategies and Transitions. Agriculture and Human Values. 18 (1): 5-9.
  • Valdivia, C., E. Dunn, and C. Jetté. 1996. Diversification as a Risk Management Strategy in an Andean Agropastoral Community. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 78(5) (December): 1329-1334.

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Books and Editing Roles

  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2013. Latinos in the Heartland. At the Crossroads: Incorporation or Marginalization? Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference of Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors). June 13-15, 2012. Columbia, MO. 141 pp.
  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2012. Latinos in the Heartland. Migration and Shifting Human Landscapes. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors). June 8-10, Kansas City, MO. 118 pp.
  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2011. Cambio de Colores Latinos in the Heartland. Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference. May 24-26 2010. University of Missouri Extension and Cambio Center, University of Missouri (MU). Columbia, MO. 95 pp.
  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2010. Cambio de Colores Latinos in the Heartland. Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Conference. University of Missouri Extension and Cambio Center, University of Missouri (MU). Columbia, MO. 80 pp.
  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2009. Cambio de Colores Latinos in Missouri: Latinos in Missouri. Conference Abstracts 2006-2008. University of Missouri Extension and Cambio Center. Columbia, MO. 72 pp.
  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2008. Latinos in Missouri. Connecting Research to Policy and Practice, Hoy y Mañana. Proceedings of the 2005 Annual Conference Cambio de Colores 2005. University of Missouri Extension and Cambio Center. Columbia, MO. 88 pp.
  • Jeanetta, S., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2007. Cambio de Colores Latinos in Missouri: Gateway to a New Community Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference. Published by University of Missouri Extension and Cambio Center, MU. Columbia, MO. 132 pp.
  • Coppock, D. L., and C. Valdivia (eds). 2001. Sustaining Agropastoralism on the Bolivian Altiplano: The Case of San Jose Llanga. Rangeland Resources Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT. 266 pp. http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usufaculty_monographs/52/
  • Valdivia, C., and J. L. Gilles (guest eds). 2001. Special Issue: Gender and Resource Management: Households and Groups, Strategies and Transitions. Agriculture and Human Values Volume 18, No 1, Spring. 132 pp.
  • Valdivia, C. (ed). 1992. Sustainable Crop-Livestock Systems for the Bolivian Highlands. Proceedings from a Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program SR-CRSP. University of Missouri-Columbia. Columbia, MO. 208 pp.
  • Valdivia, C. 1991. Política Económica y Ganadería Extensiva: El caso de ovinos y camélidos en el Perú. (Economic Policy and Extensive Livestock Production: The case of sheep and camelids in Peru). The University of Missouri-Columbia. Columbia, MO. 107pp.

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Chapters in Books

  • Jiménez, E., J. L. Gilles, A. Romero, J and C. Valdivia. 2013. Cambio Climático, Diversidad de Papa y Conocimiento Local en el Altiplano Boliviano (Climate Change, Potato Biodiversity and Local Knowledge in the Bolivian Altiplano). In  Pobreza, ambiente y cambio climático. (Poverty, environment and climate change). CLACSO Latin American Council on Social Sciences. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Jensen, N. and C. Valdivia. 2013. Exploración de la relación entre las estrategias de vida y la resiliencia social y ecológica en el Altiplano de Bolivia. In E. Jiménez (ed) Adaptación y Cambio Climático en Bolivia (Adaptation and Climate Change). Postgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo CIDES (Postgraduate in Development Sciences), Universidad Mayor San Andrés.La Paz, Bolivia. Pp. 219-245.
  • Figueroa-Armijos, M. and C. Valdivia. 2013. Papas Nativas, Acceso al Mercado y Resiliencia en el Altiplano Boliviano (Native Potatoes, Market Access and Resiliency in the Bolivian Altiplano).In E. Jiménez (ed) Adaptación y Cambio Climático en Bolivia (Adaptation and Climate Change). Postgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo CIDES (Postgraduate in Development Sciences), Universidad Mayor San Andrés.La Paz, Bolivia. Pp. 179-218.
  • Valdivia, C., E. Seth, E. Jiménez, and J. Cusicanqui. 2013. Cambio Climático y Adaptación en el Altiplano de Bolivia (Climate Change and Adaptation in the Bolivian Altiplano). In E. Jiménez (ed) Adaptación y Cambio Climático en Bolivia (Adaptation and Climate Change). Edición 25 años. Postgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo CIDES (Postgraduate in Development Sciences), Universidad Mayor San Andrés (UMSA). La Paz, Bolivia. Pp. 17- 46.
  • Motavalli, P. P., J. Aguilera, H. Blanco-Canqui, C. Valdivia, A. Seth, and M. García. 2013. Soils and Climate Change: Consequences and Potential Adaptation in the Andean Highlands. In E. Jiménez (ed) Adaptación y Cambio Climático en Bolivia. Edición 25 años. Postgrado en Ciencias del Desarrollo CIDES, Universidad Mayor San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia. Pp. 99-122.
  • Turin, C., and C. Valdivia. 2011. Off-farm Work in the Peruvian Altiplano: Seasonal and Geographic Considerations for Agricultural and Development Policies. Chapter 10 in: Deveraux, S., R. Sabates-Wheeler and R. Longhurst (eds). Seasonality, Rural Livelihoods and Development. Earthscan. London, United Kingdom. 320 pp.
  • Peñaranda, M., C. Valdivia, J. Cusicanqui, R. Miranda, M. García, F. Navia, and E. Yucra. 2011. Prácticas y Estrategias en Respuesta al Riesgo Climático en Agroecosistemas Vulnerables de la Región Andina. (Practices and Strategies in Response to Climate Risks in Vulnerable Ecosystems of the Andean Region). In Proyecto Prácticas y Estrategias de Respuesta a los Cambios Climáticos y del Mercado en Agroecosistemas Vulnerables del Programa SANREM-CRSP Compendio 2006-2009. (Practices and Strategies in Response to Climate and Market Change in Vulnerable Agroecosystems Project of the SANREM-CRSP Compilation 2006-2009). Universidad Mayor San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia. pp. 23- 31.
  • Yucra, E., and C. Valdivia. 2011. La Evaluación Participativa Como Herramienta de Investigación y Desarrollo Participativo. (Participatory Assessment as Participatory Research and Development Tool). In Proyecto Prácticas y Estrategias de Respuesta a los Cambios Climáticos y del Mercado en Agroecosistemas Vulnerables del Programa SANREM-CRSP Compendio 2006-2009. Universidad Mayor San Andrés. La Paz, Bolivia. pp. 15-22.
  • Valdivia, C., M. Gold, L. Zabek, J. Arbuckle, and C. Flora. 2009. Human and Institutional Dimensions of Agroforestry. In: Garrett, H.E. (ed). North American Agroforestry: An Integrated Science and Practice. 2nd Edition. America Society of Agronomy Inc., Madison, WI. pp 339-367.
  • Suárez, B., E. Zapata Martelo, and C. Valdivia. 2007. Aquí y Allá, Inseguridad y Desafío: Doble Cara de la Migración (Here and There, Insecurity and Challenge: Two Faces of Migration). In Suárez, B., and E. Zapata Martelo (eds). Ilusiones, Sacrificios y Resultados El Escenario real de las Remesas de Emigrantes a Estados Unidos. (Illusions, Sacrifices and Results. The Real State of Remittances by Migrants in the US). Serie Programa de Estudios Microeconómicos y Sociales Aplicados 6 (Microecon. and Applied Social Studies Program). Mexico. pp. 11-58.
  • Valdivia, C., J. L. Gilles, C. Jetté, R. Quiroz, and R. Espejo. 2003. Coping and Adapting to Climate Variability: The Role of Assets, Networks, Knowledge and Institutions. In Insights and Tools for Adaptation: Learning from Climate Variability. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of Global Programs, Climate and Societal Interactions. Washington, D.C. pp. 189-199.
  • Rastegari, S., C. Valdivia, and B. Wells. 2001. Women in Higher Education: Social Sciences at Land Grant Universities in the U.S. In Zapata, E., and V. Vázquez (eds). Women in Higher Education in Mexico the US and the UK. Colegio de Postgraduados, MIAC, British Council. Mexico. pp. 133-170.
  • Coppock, D. L., and C. Valdivia. 2001. Project Objectives and Research Approach. In Coppock, D. L., and C. Valdivia (eds). Sustaining Agropastoralism on the Bolivian Altiplano: The Case of San Jose Llanga. Rangeland Resources Dept., Utah State University. Logan, UT. pp.1-16.
  • Valdivia, C., C. Jetté, L. Markowitz, J. Céspedes, J. de Queiroz, C. Murillo, and E. Dunn. 2001. Household Economy and Community Dynamics at San José Llanga. In Coppock, D. L., and C. Valdivia (eds). Sustaining Agropastoralism on the Bolivian Altiplano: The Case of San Jose Llanga. Rangeland Resources Dept., Utah State University. Logan, UT. pp. 117-165.
  • Valdivia, C. 2001. Household Socioeconomic Diversity and Coping Response to a Drought Year at San José Llanga. In Coppock, D. L., and C. Valdivia (eds). Sustaining Agropastoralism on the Bolivian Altiplano: The Case of San Jose Llanga. Rangeland Resources Dept., Utah State University. Logan, UT. pp. 217-237.
  • Markowitz, L., and C. Valdivia. 2001. Patterns of Technology Adoption at San José Llanga: Lessons in Agricultural Change. In Coppock, L. D., and C. Valdivia (eds). Sustaining Agropastoralism on the Bolivian Altiplano: The Case of San Jose Llanga. Rangeland Resources Dept., USU. Logan, UT. pp. 239-256.
  • Coppock, D. L., C. Valdivia, J. Yazman, C. Jetté, J. de Queiroz, L. Markowitz, and I. M. Ortega. 2001. Conclusions and Recommendations. In Coppock, D. L., and C. Valdivia (eds). Sustaining Agropastoralism on the Bolivian Altiplano: The Case of San Jose Llanga. Rangeland Resources Dept., USU. Logan, UT. pp. 257-271.
  • Valdivia, C. 1995. Policy Impact Assessment in Small Ruminant Production Systems: The Peruvian Case. In Ruiz, M. E., C. Seré, and H. Li Pun (eds). Animal Production Systems.Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. San Jose, Costa Rica. pp. 385-415.
  • Jurado, J., C. Valdivia, and J. Pichihua. 1986. SAIS de la Sierra: Problemas y Alternativas. (SAIS of the Sierra: Problems and Alternatives) in Figueroa A., and J. Portocarrero (eds). Priorización y Desarrollo del Sector Agrario en el Perú.(Prioritization and Development of the Agrarian Sector in Peru). Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Lima, Peru. pp. 305-324.

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Invited Publications by International Organizations

  • Jimenez, E. and C. Valdivia. 2009. Market Integration: The Challenge of Climate Change. In Sustainable Livelihoods Highlights. Research Findings for Development Policymakers and Practitioners. October. Institute of Development Studies IDS, United Kingdom. p.5.
  • Sperling, F., C. Valdivia, R. Quiroz, R. Valdivia, L. Angulo, A. Seimon, and I. Noble. 2008. Transitioning to Climate Resilient Development – Perspectives from Communities of Peru. Climate Change Series No. 115. The World Bank Environment Department Papers. Sustainable Development Vice Presidency. Washington, D.C. 103pp.
  • Hildebrand, P., and C. Valdivia. 2003. Module 4: Understanding Decision Makers. Lecture summaries. In Advanced Training Institute on Climate Variability and Food Security. Intensive Training Workshop 8-26 July 2002. Published by the International Research Institute for Climate Prediction. Columbia University. Palisades, NY. pp. 22-24.
  • Dunn, E., N. Kalaitzandonakes, and C. Valdivia. 1996. Risk and the Impacts of Microenterprise Services. Assessing the Impacts of Microenterprise Services (AIMS). USAID no. PN‑ABZ‑078. Washington, D.C. 29pp. Spanish Brief: Informe AIMS No.4. August. 2 pp.
  • Valdivia, C. 1992. Assessing the Impact of Policy on Peruvian Small Ruminant Production Systems. Development Studies Paper Series. Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development. Morrilton, AR. 24 pp.

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