Wenjuan Wang
Research Associate



Michael Sunde
Assistant Professor (Former Lab Member)



Shengwu Duan
Ph.D. Student



Wenru (Ruth) Xu
Ph.D. Student



YuanYuan (Kate) Fu
Exchange Ph.D. Student



Saaruj Khadka
Ph.D. Student




Jacob Fraser (Research Specialist & PhD Student) Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Columbia, MO
Wenchi Jin (2011-2018, Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Fellow) Senior Data Analyst, The TJX Companies, Inc.
Suliang Bu (2015-2019, Computer Programmer)
Yang (Nancy) Liu (2014-2016, Computer Programmer)
Brice Hanberry (2008-2016, Research Associate) Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Rapid City, SD
Jeff Schneiderman (2010-2015, PhD Student)
Chris Bobryk (2010-2014, PhD Student) Post-doctoral Researcher, USDA-ARS, Columbia, MO
Qia Wang (2008-2013, Computer Programmer) Computer Programmer, Seattle, WA
Bo Zhou (2007-2013, PhD Student) Portland State, GIS Analyst
Erica Serna (2008-2011, MS Student)
Hojung Kim (2006-2009, MS Student) University of Georgia, Georgia
Rencang Bu (Postdoctoral Associate 2008-2009) Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Jian Yang (PhD candidate and Postdoc 2001-2008) University of Nevada
Yangjian Zhang (Postdoctoral Associate 2007-2008) Rutgers University
Jacqueline Schneiderman (MS Student and TA) Land Resource Management Group, IL
Zhenqian Lu (2005-, Research Lab Assistant) ESRI Inc., California
Xiaodan Dong (2005-2006, Technician/Webmaster) Globo Tours, California
Shawn K. White (2003-2005, MS Student) Georgia Forest Watch, Georgia
Adam D. Baer (2003-2005, MS Student) University of South Dakota, South Dakota
Sara B. Bellchamber (2001-2004, MS Student) International Paper, Tennessee
James Mudd (2001-2003, PhD candidate) The Nature Conservancy of Idaho, Idaho
Dong W. Ko (2001-2005, PhD candidate) University of Nevada, Nevada
Shihua Sun (2004-2005, Computer Programmer) Microsoft, Washington
Vera W. Li (2003-2005, Computer Programmer) Microsoft, Washington
Robert A. Chastain (2004-2005, Postdoctoral Associate) USFS Remote Sensing Applications Center, Utah
Wenchun Wu (2001-2002, Postdoctoral Associate) Somewhere in Georgia, Georgia
Bo Z. Shang (2001-2005, Postdoctoral Associate) University of Wyoming, Wyoming
Kevin Hosman (2001-2004, Senior Research Specialist) University of Missouri, Missouri