Tanner Lab publication list in PubMed


181. Biochemical, structural, and cellular characterization of S-but-3-yn-2-ylglycine as a mechanism-based covalent inactivator of the flavoenzyme proline dehydrogenase
K.R. Meeks, J. Ji, G.K. Scott, A.C. Campbell, J.C. Nix, A. Tadeo, L.M. Ellerby, C.C. Benz, J.J. Tanner
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2025.


180. Crystallographic fragment screening of a bifunctional proline catabolic enzyme reveals new inhibitor templates for proline dehydrogenase and L-glutamate-γ-semialdehyde dehydrogenase
K.R. Meeks, A.N. Bogner, J.C. Nix, and J.J. Tanner
Molecules, 2024.
Open Access full text

179. Noncovalent Inhibition and Covalent Inactivation of Proline Dehydrogenase by Analogs of N-propargylglycine
J.J. Tanner, J. Ji, A.N. Bogner, G.K. Scott, S.M. Patel, J. Seravalli, K.S. Gates, C.C. Benz, D.F. Becker
Biochemistry, 2024.

178. Screening a Knowledge-based Library of Low Molecular Weight Compounds Against the Proline Biosynthetic Enzyme PYCR1
K.R. Meeks, A.N. Bogner, & J.J. Tanner
Protein Science, 2024.

177. Biochemical, Structural, and Computational Analyses of Two New Clinically Identified Missense Mutations of ALDH7A1
D.A. Korasick, D.P. Buckley, A. Palpacelli, I. Cursio, E. Cesaroni, J. Cheng, and J.J. Tanner
Chemico-Biological Interactions, Accepted on 4 Apr 2024.

176. AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study
Wallach et al., Scientific Reports, 2024.
Open Access full text

175. Novel Fragment Inhibitors of PYCR1 from Docking-Guided X-Ray Crystallography
Kaylen Meeks, Juan Ji, Mykola Protopopov, Olga Tarkhanova, YuriiMoroz, John Tanner
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, Accepted 07-Feb-2024
Article at ACS website


174. Structural and functional analysis of two SHMT8 variants associated with soybean cyst nematode resistance
D. A. Korasick, L. F. Owuocha, P. K. Kandoth, J. J. Tanner, M. G. Mitchum and L. J. Beamer
FEBS Journal, 2023.

173. Crystal structure of domain of unknown function 507 (DUF507) reveals a new protein fold
C.E. McKay, J. Cheng, J.J. Tanner
Scientific Reports, 2023
Open Acess full text

172. Therapeutic targeting of HYPDH/PRODH2 with N-propargylglycine offers a hyperoxaluria treatment opportunity
J. Bons, A. Tadeo, G.K. Scott, F. Termayi, J.J. Tanner, B. Schilling, C.B. Benz, L.M. Ellerby
BBA – Molecular Basis of Disease, 2023.


171. Functional impact of a cancer-related variant in human Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1
O. Daudu, K.R. Meeks, L. Zhang, J. Seravalli, J.J. Tanner, & D.F. Becker
ACS Omega, Accepted 12/26/2022 (Published 01/10/2023).
Open Access full text

170. Structure-Based Engineering of Minimal Proline Dehydrogenase Domains for Inhibitor Discovery
A.N. Bogner, J. Ji, & J.J. Tanner
Protein Engineering, Design, and Selection, 2022 (Published 11/30/2022).

169. Expression and Kinetic Characterization of PYCR3
K.R. Meeks and J.J. Tanner
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2023 (Epub 11/19/2022)

168. Kinetic and Structural Characterization of a Flavin-Dependent Putrescine N-Hydroxylase from Acinetobacter baumannii
N.S. Lyons, A.N. Bogner, J.J. Tanner, & P. Sobrado
Biochemistry, 2022.

167. Conformational Preferences of Pyridone Adenine Dinucleotides from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
D.P. Buckley, M.E. Migaud, & J.J. Tanner
Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2022.
Article at publisher’s website

166. Structure-Affinity Relationships of Reversible Proline Analog Inhibitors Targeting Proline Dehydrogenase
A.N. Bogner and J.J. Tanner
RSC Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2022.

165. Artificial Intelligence in the Prediction of Protein-Ligand Interactions: Recent Advances and Future Directions

A. Dhakal, C. McKay, J.J. Tanner, & J. Cheng
Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2022.


164. Evidence for Proline Catabolic Enzymes in the Metabolism of Thiazolidine Carboxylates
Y. Mao, J. Seravalli, T.G. Smith, M. Morton, J.J. Tanner, and D.F. Becker
Biochemistry, 2021

163. Kinetics of Human Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase in L-Thioproline Metabolism
S.M. Patel, J. Seravalli, K.M. Stiers, J.J. Tanner, and D.F. Becker
Amino Acids, 2021
Part of Amino Acids topical collection on Proline Metabolism in Cancer

162. Optimisation of Neuraminidase Expression by HEK-293E Cells for use in Drug Discovery
A.C. Campbell, J.J. Tanner, and K.L. Krause
Viruses, 2021
Part of a special issue on “State-of-the-Art Molecular Virology Research in New Zealand”

161. Photoinduced Covalent Irreversible Inactivation of Proline Dehydrogenase by S-Heterocycles
A.C. Campbell, A.R. Prater, A.N. Bogner, T.P. Quinn, K.S. Gates, D.F. Becker and J.J. Tanner
ACS Chemical Biology, 2021.

160. Probing the Function of a Ligand-Modulated Dynamic Tunnel in Bifunctional Proline Utilization A (PutA)
D.A. Korasick, S.L. Christgen, I.A. Qureshi, D.F. Becker, and J.J. Tanner
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2021.

159.Structural and Biochemical Characterization of the Flavin-Dependent Siderophore-Interacting Protein from Acinetobacter baumannii
H. Valentino, D.A. Korasick, David, T.J. Bohac, J.A. Shapiro, T.A. Wencewicz, J.J.  Tanner, P. Sobrado
ACS Omega, 2021.

158. N-Propargylglycine: a unique suicide inhibitor of proline dehydrogenase with anticancer activity and brain-enhancing mitohormesis properties
G.K. Scott, S. Mahoney, M. Scott, A. Loureiro, A. Lopez-Ramirez, J.J. Tanner, L.M. Ellerby, and C.C. Benz
Amino Acids, 2021
Part of Amino Acids topical collection on Proline Metabolism in Cancer

157. Structural Basis for the Stereospecific Inhibition of the Dual Proline/Hydroxyproline Catabolic Enzyme ALDH4A1 by Trans-4-Hydroxy-L-Proline
A.N. Bogner, K.M. Stiers, C.M. McKay, D.F. Becker, and J.J. Tanner
Protein Science, 2021

156. Structure, Biochemistry, and Gene Expression Patterns of the Proline Biosynthetic Enzyme Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase (PYCR), An Emerging Cancer Therapy Target
A.N. Bogner, K.M. Stiers, and J.J. Tanner
Amino Acids, 2021
Full text
Part of Amino Acids topical collection on Proline Metabolism in Cancer

155. Disease variants of human delta-1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 2 (PYCR2)
S.M. Patel, S. Seravalli, X. Liang, J.J. Tanner, D.F. Becker
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2021


154. Biochemical Characterization of the Two-Component Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase Involved in Valanimycin Biosynthesis
H. Li, B. Forson; M. Eckshtain-Levi, H. Valentino, J. Martin Del Campo, J. Tanner, P. Sobrado
Biochemistry, 2021

153. Structural Analysis of Prolines and Hydroxyprolines Binding to the L-glutamate-gamma-semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Active Site of Bifunctional Proline Utillization A
A.C. Campbell, A.N. Bogner, Y. Mao, D.F. Becker, and J.J. Tanner
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2021

152. Structural Determinants of Flavin Dynamics in a Class B Monooxygenase
A.C. Campbell, R. Robinson, D. Mena-Aguilar, P. Sobrado, J.J. Tanner
Biochemistry, 2020

151. DeepCryoPicker: fully automated deep neural network for single protein particle picking in cryo-EM
A. Al-Azzawi, A. Ouadou, M. Highsmith, Y. Duan, J.J. Tanner, J. Cheng
BMC Bioinformatics, 2020

150. In Crystallo Screening for Proline Analog Inhibitors of the Proline Cycle Enzyme PYCR1
E.M. Christensen, A.N. Bogner, A. Vandekeere, G.S. Tam, S.M. Patel, D. F. Becker, S.-M. Fendt, and J.J. Tanner
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020
MU press release
KOMU TV News story

149. Impact of missense mutations in the ALDH7A1 gene on enzyme structure and catalytic function
D.A. Korasick and J.J. Tanner
Biochimie, 2020

148. Cautionary tale of using tris(alkyl)phosphine reducing agents with NAD +-dependent enzymes
S.M. Patel, T.G. Smith, M.D. Morton, K.M. Stiers, J. Seravalli, S.J. Mayclin, T.E. Edwards, J.J Tanner, D.F. Becker
Biochemistry, 2020

147. Trapping conformational states of a flavin-dependent N-monooxygenase in crystallo reveals protein and flavin dynamics
A.C. Campbell, K.M. Stiers, J.S. Martin Del Campo, R. Mehra-Chaudhary,  P. Sobrado and J.J. Tanner
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020

146. Inhibition, crystal structures, and in-solution oligomeric structure of aldehyde dehydrogenase 9A1
J.W. Wyatt, D.A. Korasick, I.A. Qureshi, A.C. Campbell, K.S. Gates, and J.J. Tanner
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2020

145. Structure and function of a flavin-dependent S-monooxygenase from garlic (Allium sativum)
H. Valentino, A.C. Campbell, J.P. Schuermann, N. Sultana, H.G. Nam, S. LeBlanc, J.J. Tanner, and P. Sobrado
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020

144. Bioinformatics Methods for Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics Data Analysis
Chen C, Hou J, Tanner JJ, & Cheng J.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020

143. Covalent Modification of the Flavin in Proline Dehydrogenase by Thiazolidine-2-Carboxylate
Campbell AC, Becker DF, Gates KS, & Tanner JJ.
ACS Chemical Biology, 2020

142. Impaired folate binding of serine hydroxymethyltransferase 8 from soybean underlies resistance to the soybean cyst nematode
Korasick, D.A, Kandoth, P.K., Tanner, J.J., Mitchum, M.G., and Beamer, L.J.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2020


141. SAXSDom: Modeling Multi-domain Protein Structures Using Small-angle X-ray Scattering Data
Hou, J, Adhikari, B, Tanner, JJ, and Cheng, J
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 2020.

140. Structural Analysis of Pathogenic Mutations Targeting Glu427 of ALDH7A1, the Hot Spot Residue of Pyridoxine-Dependent Epilepsy
Laciak, AR, Korasick, DA, Gates, KS, and Tanner, JJ
J. Inherit. Metab. Dis. 2020.

139. A Super-Clustering Approach for Fully Automated Single Particle Picking in Cryo-EM
A Al-Azzawi, A. Ouadou, JJ Tanner, and J Cheng
Genes, 2019.

138. Structural and Biochemical Consequences of Pyridoxine-Dependent Epilepsy Mutations That Target the Aldehyde Binding Site of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase ALDH7A1
Laciak AR, Korasick DA, Wyatt JW, Gates KS, and Tanner JJ
FEBS Journal. 2020.

137. AutoCryoPicker: An Unsupervised Learning Approach for Fully Automated Single Particle Picking in Cryo-EM Images
A Al-Azzawi, A. Ouadou, JJ Tanner, and J Cheng
BMC Bioinformatics, 2019.

136. Structural and biochemical characterization of aldehyde dehydrogenase 12, the last enzyme of proline catabolism in plants
DA Korasick, R Koncitikova, M Kopecna, E Hajkova, A Vigouroux, S Morera, DF Becker, M Sebela, JJ Tanner, and D Kopecny
J. Mol. Biol. 2019.

135. Crystal Structure of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 16 Reveals Trans-Hierical Structural Similarity and a New Dimer
Liu, L.-K. and Tanner, JJ
J. Mol. Biol. 2019.


134. NAD+ Promotes Assembly of the Active Tetramer of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 7A1
Korasick DA, White TA, Chakravarthy S, Tanner JJ.
FEBS Lett. 2018.

133. Redox Modulation of Oligomeric State in Proline Utilization A
D. A. Korasick, A. C. Campbell, S. L. Christgen, S. Chakravarthy, T. A. White, D. F. Becker, and J. J. Tanner
Biophysical J. 2018.
PubMed Abstract

132. Steric control of the rate-limiting step of UDP-galactopyranose mutase
G. Pierdominici-Sottile, R. Cossio-Perez, I. Da Fonseca, K. Kizjakin, J.J. Tanner, and P. Sobrado
Biochemistry, 2018.
PubMed Abstract

131. The proline cycle as a potential cancer therapy target
Tanner, J.J, Fendt, S.-M. and Becker, D.F.
Biochemistry, 2018.

130. Structural Evidence for Rifampicin Monooxygenase Inactivating Rifampicin by Cleaving Its Ansa-Bridge
Liu LK, Dai Y, Abdelwahab H, Sobrado P, Tanner JJ.
Biochemistry, 2018.
PubMed Abstract

129. Determination of Protein Oligomeric Structure from Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
DA Korasick and JJ Tanner
Protein Sci. 2018.
PubMed Abstract

128.  Flavin-N5 Covalent Intermediate in the Non-redox Dehalogenation Reaction Catalyzed by an Atypical Flavoenzyme
Y Dai, K Kizjakina, AC Campbell, DA Korasick,  JJ Tanner and P Sobrado
ChemBioChem. 2018.
PubMed Abstract


127. Structural Basis for the Substrate Inhibition of Proline Utilization A by Proline
DA Korasick, TA Pemberton, BW Arentson, DF Becker, and JJ Tanner
Molecules, 2017.
PubMed Abstract

126. Discovery of the Membrane Binding Domain in Trifunctional Proline Utilization A
S.L. Christgen, W. Zhu, N. Sanyal, B. Bibi, J.J. Tanner, D.F. Becker
Biochemistry, 2017.
PubMed Abstract

125. Importance of the C-terminus of ALDH7A1 for Oligomerization and Catalytic Activity.
Korasick D, Wyatt J, Luo M, Laciak AR, Ruddraraju K, Gates KS, Henzl MT, Tanner JJ.
Biochemistry, 2017.
PubMed Abstract

124. Structural Biology of Proline Catabolic Enzymes
Tanner JJ.
Antioxid Redox Signal. 2017.
PubMed Abstract

123. Biophysical investigation of type A PutAs reveals a conserved core oligomeric structure
DA Korasick, Singh H, Pemberton TA, Luo M, Dhatwalia R, Tanner JJ.
FEBS J. 2017.
PubMed Abstract

122. Structure, function, and mechanism of proline utilization A (PutA)
Liu LK, Becker DF, Tanner JJ.
Arch Biochem Biophys. 2017 Oct 15;632:142-157. doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2017.07.005. Epub 2017 Jul 14.
PubMed Abstract

121. Multiple functionalities of reduced flavin in the non-redox reaction catalyzed by UDP-galactopyranose mutase
Sobrado P, Tanner JJ
Arch Biochem Biophys. 2017 Oct 15;632:59-65. doi: 10.1016/j.abb.2017.06.015. Epub 2017 Jun 24.
PubMed Abstract

120. Identification of a Conserved Histidine as Critical for the Catalytic Mechanism and Functional Switching of the Multifunctional Proline Utilization A Protein
Moxley MA, Zhang L, Christgen S, Tanner JJ, Becker DF.
Biochemistry, 2017.
PubMed Abstract

119. DA Korasick, TT Gamage, S Christgen, KM Stiers, LJ Beamer, MT Henzl, DF Becker and JJ Tanner
Structure and characterization of a class 3B proline utilization A: ligand-induced dimerization and importance of the C-terminal domain for catalysis
J. Biol. Chem. 2017 Jun 9;292(23):9652-9665. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.786855. Epub 2017 Apr 18.
PubMed Abstract

118. Punthasee P, Laciak AR, Cummings AH, Ruddraraju KV, Lewis SM, Hillebrand R, Singh H, Tanner JJ, Gates KS.
Covalent Allosteric Inactivation of Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) by an Inhibitor-Electrophile Conjugate
Biochemistry. 2017 Apr 11;56(14):2051-2060.
PubMed Abstract

117. Christensen EM, Patel SM, Korasick DA, Campbell AC, Krause KL, Becker DF, Tanner JJ
Resolving the Cofactor Binding Site in the Proline Biosynthetic Enzyme Human Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Reductase 1.
J. Biol. Chem. (2017) 292(17) 7233-7243.
PubMed Abstract

116. Korasick DA, Tanner JJ, Henzl MT.
Impact of disease-Linked mutations targeting the oligomerization interfaces of aldehyde dehydrogenase 7A1.
Chem Biol Interact (2017) Oct 1;276:31-39. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2017.01.002. Epub 2017 Jan 10.
PubMed Abstract


115. K. Stiers, C. Lee, J. Nix, J.J. Tanner, and L.J. Beamer
Synchrotron-based macromolecular crystallography module for an undergraduate biochemistry laboratory course
J. Appl. Cryst. (2016). 49, 2235-2243.
PubMed Abstract

114. B.W. Arentson, E.L. Hayes, W. Zhu, H. Singh, J.J. Tanner, and D.F. Becker
Engineering a Trifunctional Proline Utilization A Chimera By Fusing a DNA-Binding Domain to a Bifunctional PutA
Biosci Rep. 2016 Nov 22;36(6).
PubMed Abstract

113. M. Luo, T.T. Gamage, B.W. Arentson, K.N. Schlasner, D.F. Becker and J.J. Tanner
Structures of Proline Utilization A Reveal the Fold and Functions of the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Superfamily Domain of Unknown Function
J Biol Chem. (2016) 291(46):24065-24075.
PubMed Abstract

112. John J. Tanner
Empirical Power Laws for the Radii of Gyration of Protein Oligomers
Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr.  (2016) 72, 1119-1129.
PubMed Abstract

111. Liu LK, Abdelwahab H, Martin Del Campo JS, Mehra-Chaudhary R, Sobrado P, Tanner JJ.
The Structure of the Antibiotic Deactivating, N-hydroxylating Rifampicin Monooxygenase.
J Biol Chem. (2016) 291 (41), 21553-21562.
PubMed Abstract

110. Tanner JJ, Frey BB, Pemberton TA, Henzl MT.
EF-5 is the high-affinity Mg2+ site in ALG-2.
Biochemistry 2016, 55, 5128−5141.
PubMed Abstract

109. Mehra-Chaudhary R, Dai Y, Sobrado P, Tanner JJ
In Crystallo Capture of a Covalent Intermediate in the UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Reaction.
Biochemistry (2016) 55(6):833-6.
PubMed Abstract


108. J.J. Tanner
SAXS fingerprints of aldehyde dehydrogenase oligomers
Data in Brief (2015) 5, 745-751.
PubMed Abstract

107. R. Dhatwalia, H. Singh, T.J. Reilly, and J.J. Tanner
Crystal Structure and Tartrate Inhibition of Legionella pneumophila Histidine Acid Phosphatase
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2015) 585, 1 November 2015, Pages 32-38.
PubMed Abstract

106. R. Robinson, I.A. Qureshi, C.A. Klancher, P.J. Rodriguez, J.J. Tanner, P. Sobrado
Contribution to catalysis of ornithine binding residues in ornithine N5-monooxygenase
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2015) 585, 1 November 2015, Pages 25-31.
PubMed Abstract

105. Lewis SM, Li Y, Catalano MJ, Laciak AR, Singh H, Seiner DR, Reilly TJ, Tanner JJ, Gates KS.
Inactivation of protein tyrosine phosphatases by dietary isothiocyanates
Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. (2015) 25(20):4549-52.
PubMed Abstract

104. M. Luo and J.J. Tanner
Structural Basis of Substrate Recognition by Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 7A1.
Biochemistry (2015). 8;54(35):5513-22.
PubMed Abstract

103. Gres AT, Kirby KA, KewalRamani VN, Tanner JJ, Pornillos O, and Sarafianos SG.
X-ray crystal structures of native HIV-1 capsid protein reveal conformational variability.
Science (2015) 349(6243):99-103.
PubMed Abstract

102.  M Luo, KS Gates, MT Henzl, and JJ Tanner
Diethylaminobenzaldehyde is a Covalent, Irreversible Inactivator of ALDH7A1
ACS Chem. Biol. (2015) 10(3):693-697
PubMed Abstract

101.  N Sanyal, BW Arentson, M Luo, JJ Tanner, and  Donald F. Becker
First Evidence for Substrate Channeling Between Proline Catabolic Enzymes: A Validation of the Rosetta Stone Hypothesis of Protein-Protein Interactions
J. Biol. Chem. (2015) 290(4):2225-2234.
PubMed Abstract


100.  Da Fonseca I , Qureshi IA, Ritcha Mehra-Chaudhary R, Kizjakina K, Tanner JJ, Sobrado, P.
Contributions of Unique Active Site Residues of Eukaryotic UDP-Galactopyranose Mutases to Substrate Recognition and Active Site Dynamics
Biochemistry (2014) 53(49):7794-804.
PubMed Abstract

99.  Luo M, Christgen, S., Sanyal, N, Arentson BW, Becker DF, Tanner JJ,
Evidence that the C-terminal Domain of a Type B PutA Protein Contributes to Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity and Substrate Channeling
Biochemistry (2014) 53(35):5661-73.
PubMed Abstract

98.  Arentson BW, Luo M, Pemberton TA, Tanner JJ, Becker DF.
Kinetic and Structural Characterization of Tunnel-Perturbing Mutants in Bradyrhizobium japonicum Proline Utilization A (PutA).
Biochemistry (2014) 12;53(31):5150-61.
PubMed Abstract

97. H. Singh, B.W. Arentson, D.F. Becker, and J.J. Tanner
Structures of the PutA peripheral membrane flavoenzyme reveal a dynamic substrate-channeling tunnel and the quinone binding site
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2014) 111(9):3389-94
PubMed Abstract

96. Pemberton TA, Srivastava D, Sanyal N, Henzl MT, Becker DF, Tanner JJ.
Structural Studies of Yeast Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate Dehydrogenase (aka ALDH4A1): Active Site Flexibility and Oligomeric State.
Biochemistry. (2014) 53(8):1350-9
PubMed Abstract

95. Moxley MA, Sanyal N, Krishnan N, Tanner JJ, Becker DF.
Evidence for Hysteretic Substrate Channeling in the Proline Dehydrogenase and Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate Dehydrogenase Coupled Reaction of Proline Utilization A (PUTA).
J. Biol. Chem. (2014) 289(6):3639-3651.
PubMed Abstract

94. J.J. Tanner, L. Boechi L, J.A. McCammon, and P. Sobrado
Structure, Mechanism, and Dynamics of UDP-galactopyranose mutase.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2014) 544: 128-141
Article featured on journal cover
PubMed Abstract


93.  Boechi L, de Oliveira CA, Da Fonseca I, Kizjakina K, Sobrado P, Tanner JJ, McCammon JA.
Substrate-dependent dynamics of UDP-galactopyranose mutase: Implications for drug design.
Protein Sci. (2013) 22(11):1490-501.
PubMed Abstract

92.  T.A. Pemberton and J.J. Tanner
Structural basis of substrate selectivity of Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase (ALDH4A1): Semialdehyde chain length.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2013) 538(1):34-40.
PubMed Abstract

91. Min Luo, R.K. Singh, and J.J. Tanner
Structural Determinants of Oligomerization of 1-Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Dehydrogenase: Identification of a Hexamerization Hot Spot.
J. Mol. Biol. (2013) 425(17):3106-3120.
PubMed Abstract

90. Zhu W, Haile AM, Singh R, Larson JD, Smithen D, Chan JY, Tanner JJ, Becker DF.
Involvement of the β3-α3 loop of the Proline Dehydrogenase Domain in Allosteric Regulation of Membrane Association of Proline Utilization A.
Biochemistry (2013) 52(26):4482-9.
PubMed Abstract

89. K. Kizjakina, J. J. Tanner, and P. Sobrado
Targeting UDP-Galactopyranose Mutases from Eukaryotic Human Pathogens.
Current Pharmaceutical Design (2013) 19(14):2561-73.
PubMed Abstract

88. J.J. Tanner and D.F. Becker
PutA and Proline Metabolism
Chapter 2 of Handbook of Flavoproteins Volume 1 Oxidases, Dehydrogenases and Related Systems.
Edited by Russ Hille, Susan Miller, and Bruce Palfey (2013)
Page 1 of Chapter 2: PutA and Proline Metabolism
Table of Contents
Amazon link
Publisher’s link

87. Henzl MT, Sirianni AG, Wycoff WG, Tan A, Tanner JJ
Solution structures of polcalcin phl p 7 in three ligation states: Apo-, hemi-mg2+-bound, and fully ca+-bound.
Proteins (2013) 81(2):300-15.
PubMed Abstract


86. Luo M, Arentson BW,  Srivastava D, Becker DF, and Tanner JJ
Crystal Structures and Kinetics of Monofunctional Proline Dehydrogenase Provide Insight into Substrate Recognition and Conformational Changes Associated With Flavin Reduction and Product Release.
Biochemistry (2012) 51(50):10099-108).
PubMed Abstract

85. Dhatwalia R, Singh H, Solano LM, Oppenheimer M, Robinson RM, Ellerbrock JF, Sobrado P, Tanner JJ
Identification of the NAD(P)H Binding Site of Eukaryotic UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase.
J Am Chem Soc. (2012) 134(43):18132-8.
PubMed Abstract

84. Luebbering EK, Mick J, Singh RK, Tanner JJ, Mehra-Chaudhary R, Beamer LJ.
Conservation of Functionally Important Global Motions in an Enzyme Superfamily across Varying Quaternary Structures.
J Mol Biol. (2012) 423(5):831-46
PubMed Abstract

83. T. A. Pemberton, B. R. Still, E. M. Christensen, H. Singh, D. Srivastava, and J. J. Tanner
Proline: Mother Nature’s cryoprotectant applied to protein crystallography.
Acta Cryst. D: Biological Crystallography (2012) 68(Pt 8):1010-8.
PubMed Abstract

82. R. Dhatwalia, H. Singh, Oppenheimer M, Sobrado P, and J. J. Tanner
Crystal Structures of Trypanosoma cruzi UDP-Galactopyranose Mutase Implicate Flexibility of the Histidine Loop in Enzyme Activation
Biochemistry, (2012), 51 (24), 4968-4979.
PubMed Abstract

81. D. Srivastava, R.K. Singh, M.A. Moxley, M.T. Henzl, D. F. Becker, and J. J. Tanner
The three-dimensional structural basis of type II hyperproinemia
J. Mol. Biol. (2012) 420(3):176-89.
PubMed Abstract

80. R. Dhatwalia, H. Singh, Oppenheimer M, Karr DB, Nix JC, Sobrado P, Tanner JJ.
Crystal structures and small-angle X-ray scattering analysis of UDP-galactopyranose mutase from the pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus
J. Biol. Chem. (2012) 287, 9041-9051.
PubMed Abstract

79. R. K. Singh and J.J. Tanner
Unique structural features and sequence motifs of proline utilization A (PutA)
Frontiers in Bioscience (2012) 17, 556-568.
PubMed Abstract


78. M. A. Moxley, J.J. Tanner and D.F. Becker
Steady-State Kinetic Mechanism of the Proline:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase Activity of Proline Utilization A (PutA) from Escherichia coli
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2011) 516 (2) 113-120.
PubMed Abstract

77.  Ranjan K. Singh, John D. Larson, Weidong Zhu, Robert P. Rambo, Greg L. Hura, Donald F. Becker, and John J. Tanner
Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Studies of the Oligomeric State and Quaternary Structure of the Trifunctional Proline Utilization A (PutA) Flavoprotein from Escherichia coli
J. Biol. Chem. (2011) 286 (50) 43144-53.
PubMed Abstract

76. Singh H, Reilly TJ, Tanner JJ.
Structural basis of the inhibition of class C acid phosphatases by adenosine 5′-phosphorothioate.
FEBS J. (2011) 278(22):4374-81.
PubMed Abstract

75. Zhou H, Singh H, Parsons ZD, Lewis SM, Bhattacharya S, Seiner DR, LaButti JN, Reilly TJ, Tanner JJ, Gates KS.
The biological buffer bicarbonate/CO2 potentiates H2O2-mediated inactivation of protein tyrosine phosphatases.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. ( 2011) 133(40):15803-5
PubMed Abstract

74. H. Singh, T. J. Reilly, M. J. Calcutt and J. J. Tanner
Expression, purification and crystallization of an atypical class C acid phosphatase from Mycoplasma bovis
Acta Cryst. (2011) F67, 1296-1299.
PubMed Abstract

73. Mehra-Chaudhary R, Mick J, Tanner JJ, Beamer LJ.
Quaternary structure, conformational variability and global motions of phosphoglucosamine mutase.
FEBS J. (2011) 278(18):3298-307.
PubMed Abstract

72. Tanner JJ, Parsons ZD, Cummings AH, Zhou H, and Gates KS.
Redox regulation of protein tyrosine phosphatases: Structural and Chemical Aspects.
Antioxid Redox Signal. (2011) 15(1):77-97.
PubMed Abstract

71.  Singh H, Malinski, T J, Reilly TJ, Henzl, MT,  Tanner JJ.
Crystal structure and immunogenicity of the class C acid phosphatase from Pasteurella multocida
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2011) 509:76-81.
PubMed Abstract

70. Mehra-Chaudhary R, Mick J, Tanner JJ, Henzl MT, Beamer LJ.
Crystal structure of a bacterial phosphoglucomutase, an enzyme involved in the virulence of multiple human pathogens.
Proteins. (2011) 79(4):1215-29.
PubMed Abstract

69. Henzl MT, Tanner JJ, Tan A.
Solution Structures of Chicken Parvalbumin 3 in the Ca2+-free and Ca2+-bound States.
Proteins. (2011) 79(3):752-64.
PubMed Abstract


68. Singh H, Schuermann JP, Reilly TJ, Calcutt MJ, Tanner JJ.
Recognition of Nucleoside Monophosphate Substrates by Haemophilus influenzae Class C Acid Phosphatase.
J. Mol. Biol. (2010) 404(4):639-649.
PubMed Abstract

67. Schuermann JP, Tan A, Tanner JJ, Henzl MT.
Structure of Avian Thymic Hormone, a High-affinity Avian beta-parvalbumin, in the Ca(2+)-free and Ca(2+)-bound States.
J. Mol. Biol. (2010) 397(4):991-1002.
PubMed Abstract

66. Srivastava D, Schuermann JP, White TA, Krishnan N, Sanyal N, Hura GL, Tan A, Henzl MT, Becker DF, Tanner JJ.
Crystal structure of the bifunctional proline utilization A flavoenzyme from Bradyrhizobium japonicum.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (2010) 107(7):2878-83.
PubMed Abstract

65. D. Srivastava, W. Zhu, W.H. Johnson, Jr., C. P.  Whitman, D.F. Becker, and J.J. Tanner.
Structure of the Proline Utilization A Proline Dehydrogenase Domain Inactivated by N-propargylglycine Provides Insight into Conformational Changes Induced by Substrate Binding and Flavin Reduction
Biochemistry (2010) 49 (3): 560-569.
PubMed Abstract


64.  H. Singh, R.L. Felts, J.P. Schuermann, T.J. Reilly, and J.J. Tanner.
Crystal Structures of the Histidine Acid Phosphatase from Francisella tularensis Provide Insight into Substrate Recognition
J. Mol. Biol. (2009) 394(5):893-904.
PubMed Abstract

63.  Lee MN, Takawira D, Nikolova AP, Ballou DP, Furtado VC, Phung NL, Still BR, Thorstad MK, Tanner JJ, Trimmer EE.
A Functional Role for the Conformationally Mobile Phenylalanine 223 in the Reaction of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase from E. coli.
Biochemistry (2009) 48(32):7673-85
PubMed Abstract

62. Reilly TJ, Chance DL, Calcutt MJ, Tanner JJ, Felts RL, Waller SC, Henzl MT, Mawhinney TP, Ganjam IK, Fales WH.
Characterization of a unique class C acid phosphatase from Clostridium perfringens
Appl Environ Microbiol. (2009) 75(11):3745-54.
PubMed Abstract

61. H. Singh, R.L. Felts, L. Ma, T.J. Malinsky, M.J. Calcutt, T.J. Reilly, and J.J. Tanner
Expression, purification and crystallization of class C acid phosphatases from Francisella tularensis and Pasteurella multocida
Acta Crystallogr. (2009) F65, 226-231.
PubMed Abstract

60. E. L. Ostrander, J.D. Larson, J.P. Schuermann and J.J. Tanner
A Conserved Active Site Tyrosine Residue of Proline Dehydrogenase Helps Enforce the Preference for Proline over Hydroxyproline as the Substrate.
Biochemistry (2009) 48(5):951-959.
PubMed Abstract


59. J.P. Schuermann, T.A. White, D. Srivastava, D.B. Karr and J.J. Tanner
Three Crystal Forms of the Bifunctional Enzyme Proline Utilization A (PutA) from Bradyrhizobium japonicum
Acta Crystallogr. (2008)  F64, 949-953.
PubMed Abstract

58. J.J. Tanner
Review article: Structural biology of proline catabolism
Amino Acids (2008) 35(4), 719-30.
PubMed Abstract

57.  Y. Zhou, J.D. Larson, C.A. Bottoms, E.C. Arturo, M.T. Henzl, J.L. Jenkins, J.C. Nix, D.F. Becker, and J.J. Tanner
Structural Basis of Transcriptional Regulation of the Proline Utilization Regulon by Multifunctional PutA
J. Mol. Biol. (2008) 381(1):174-88.
PubMed Abstract

56.  T.A. White, W.H. Johnson, Jr., C.P. Whitman and J.J. Tanner
Structural basis for the inactivation of Thermus thermophilus proline dehydrogenase by N-propargylglycine
Biochemistry (2008) 47(20):5573-80.
PubMed Abstract

55. A. Tan, J. J. Tanner and M. T. Henzl
Energetics of OCP1-OCP2 complex formation
Biophys. Chem. (2008) 134(1-2):64-71.
PubMed Abstract

54. M. T. Henzl and J. J. Tanner
Solution structure of calcium-free rat alpha parvalbumin
Protein Sci. (2008) 17(3):431-8.
PubMed Abstract


53. Z. Ou, C.A. Bottoms, M.T. Henzl and J. J. Tanner
Impact of DNA Hairpin Folding Energetics on Antibody – ssDNA Association
J. Mol. Biol. (2007) 374, 1029-1040.
PubMed Abstract

52. R.L. Felts, Z. Ou, T.J. Reilly, and J. J. Tanner
Structure of recombinant Haemophilus influenzae e (P4) acid phosphatase reveals a new member of the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily
Biochemistry (2007) 46 (39), 11110 -11119.
PubMed Abstract

51. M. T. Henzl and J. J. Tanner
Solution Structure of Ca2+-free Rat β-Parvalbumin (Oncomodulin)
Protein Sci. (2007) Sep;16(9):1914-26.
PubMed Abstract 

50. A.J. DiMauro, D. Lin, S. Guo, D. B. Karr, J. J. Tanner, and P. Guo
Crystallization of Phi29 Spindle-Shaped Nano-Bar Anti-Receptor with Glycosidase Domain
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2007) 7, 1-7.
PubMed Abstract

49. T.A. White, N. Krishnan, D.F. Becker and J.J. Tanner
Structure and Kinetics of Monofunctional Proline Dehydrogenase from Thermus thermophilus.
J. Biol. Chem. (2007) 282(19):14316-14327.
PubMed Abstract

48. W. Zhang, M. Zhang, W. Zhu, Y. Zhou, S. Wanduragala, D. Rewinkel, J.J. Tanner and D.F. Becker
Redox-induced changes in flavin structure and roles of the flavin N(5) and the ribityl 2′-OH group in regulating PutA-membrane binding
Biochemistry (2007) 46(2):483-491.
PubMed Abstract


47. J.D. Larson, J.L. Jenkins, J.P. Schuermann, Y. Zhou, D.F. Becker and John J. Tanner
Crystal structures of the DNA-binding domain of Escherichia coli proline utilization A flavoprotein and analysis of the role of Lys9 in DNA recognition
Protein Sci. (2006), 15:1-12.
PubMed Abstract

46. R.L. Felts, T.J. Reilly and J.J. Tanner
Sructure of Francisella tularensis ACPA: Prototype of a unique superfamily of acid phosphatases and phospholipases C
J. Biol. Chem.  (2006) Oct 6;281(40):30289-98.
PubMed Abstract

45. R.L. Felts, T.J. Reilly, M.J. Calcutt and J.J. Tanner
Cloning, purification and crystallization of Bacillus anthracis class C acid phosphatase
Acta Crytallographica F (2006) F62:705-8.
PubMed abstract

44. C.A. Bottoms, T.A. White and J.J. Tanner
Exploring Structurally Conserved Sovent Sites in Protein Families
Proteins (2006) 64(2):404-421.
PubMed abstract

43. M.V. Pattarkine, J.J. Tanner, C.A. Bottoms, Y.-H. Lee and J.D. Wall
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans G20 tetraheme cytochrome structure at 1.5 Å and cytochrome interaction with metal complexes
J. Mol. Biol. (2006) 358(5):1314-1327.
PubMed abstract

42. Z. Ou, R.L. Felts, T.J. Reilly, J.C. Nix and J.J. Tanner
Crystallization of recombinant Haemophilus influenzae e (P4) acid phosphatase
Acta Crytallographica F (2006) F62, 464-466.
PubMed abstract

41. J.L. Jenkins and J.J. Tanner
High Resolution Crystal Structure of Human D Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Acta Crytallographica D (2006) 62(Pt 3):290-301.
PubMed abstract

40. R.L. Felts, T.J. Reilly, M.J. Calcutt and J.J. Tanner
Crystallization of a newly discovered histidine acid phosphatase from Francisella tularensis
Acta Crytallographica F (2006) F62, 32-35.
PubMed abstract

39. T.J. Reilly, R.L. Felts, M.T. Henzl, M.J. Calcutt and J.J. Tanner
Characterization of recombinant Francisella tularensis acid phosphatase
Prot. Exp. Purif. (2006) 45, 132-141.
PubMed abstract


38. White, T. A. & Tanner, J. J.
Cloning, purification and crystallization of Thermus thermophilus proline dehydrogenase.
Acta Crystallogr. (2005) F61, 737-739.
PubMed abstract

37. Tanner, J. J., Agah, S., Lee, Y. H. & Henzl, M. T.
Crystal Structure of the D94S/G98E Variant of Rat alpha-Parvalbumin. An Explanation for the Reduced Divalent Ion Affinity.
Biochemistry (2005) 44, 10966-76.
PubMed abstract

36. R.L. Felts, T.J. Reilly and J.J. Tanner
Crystallization of AcpA, a respiratory burst-inhibiting acid phosphatase from Francisella tularensis.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta. (2005) 1752, 107-10.
PubMed abstract

35. J.P. Schuermann, S.P. Prewitt, C. Davies, S.L. Deutscher, and J. J. Tanner
Evidence for Structural Plasticity of Heavy Chain Complementarity-Determining Region 3 in Antibody-ssDNA Recognition
J. Mol. Biol. (2005) 347(5), 965-78.
PubMed abstract


34. M. Zhang, T.A. White, J.P. Schuermann, B.A. Baban, D.F. Becker, and J. J. Tanner
Structures of the Escherichia coli PutA proline dehydrogenase domain in complex with competitive inhibitors.
Biochemistry (2004) 43(39) 12539-48.
PubMed abstract

33. B. Baban, M.P. Vinod, J.J. Tanner, and D.F. Becker
Probing a hydrogen bond pair and the FAD redox properties in the proline dehydrogenase domain of Escherichia coli PutA
Biochem. Biophys. Acta (2004) 1701, 49-59.
PubMed abstract

32. Y.-H. Lee, J.J. Tanner, J.D. Larson, and M.T. Henzl
Crystal Structure of a High-Affinity Variant of Rat alpha-Parvalbumin
Biochemistry (2004), 43(31):10008-10017.
PubMed abstract

31. D. Gu, Y.Zhou, V. Kallhoff, B. Baban, J. J. Tanner, and D. Becker
Identification and Characterization of the DNA-binding Domain of the Multifunctional PutA Flavoenzyme
J. Biol. Chem. (2004), 279(30):31171-31176.
PubMed abstract

30. J.P. Schuermann, M.T. Henzl, S.L. Deutscher, and J.J. Tanner
Structure of an anti-DNA Fab complexed with a non-DNA ligand provides insights into cross-reactivity and molecular mimicry.
Proteins (2004) 57, 269-278.
PubMed abstract

29. C.A. Bottoms, J.P. Schuermann, S. Agah, M.T. Henzl, and J.J. Tanner
Crystal structure of rat alpha-parvalbumin at 1.05 Angstrom resolution.
Protein Sci. (2004) 13(7):1724-1734 .
PubMed abstract

28. M. Zhang and J.J. Tanner
Detection of L-lactate in polyethylene glycol solutions confirms the identity of the active-site ligand in a proline dehydrogenase structure.
Acta Crystallogr.  (2004) D60, 985-986.
PubMed abstract


27. J.P. Schuermann and J.J. Tanner
MRSAD: using anomalous dispersion from S atoms collected at Cu Kalpha wavelength in molecular-replacement structure determination.
Acta Crystallogr. (2003) D59, 1731-1736.
PubMed abstract

26. Y.-H. Lee, S. Nadaraia, D. Gu, D. F. Becker, and  J. J. Tanner
Structure of the proline dehydrogenase domain of the multifunctional PutA flavoprotein
Nature Structural Biology (2003) 10, 109-114.
PubMed abstract


25.  C. A. Bottoms, P. E. Smith, and J. J. Tanner
A structurally conserved water molecule in Rossmann dinucleotide-binding domains
Protein Sci. (2002) 11, 2125-2137.
PubMed abstract


24.  S. Nadaraia, Y.-H. Lee, D. F. Becker, and J. J. Tanner
Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of the Proline Dehydrogenase Domain of the Multifunctional PutA Flavoprotein from Escherichia coli
Acta Crystallogr. D Biol Crystallogr. (2001) D57,1925-1927.
PubMed abstract

23.  J.J. Tanner, A.A. Komissarov, and S.L. Deutscher
Crystal Structure of an Antigen-Binding Fragment Bound to Single-Stranded DNA
J. Mol. Biol. (2001) 314, 807-22.
PubMed abstract


22. Crystallization and Molecular Replacement Studies of a Recombinant Antigen-Binding Fragment Complexed with Single-stranded DNA
S. P. Prewitt, A.A. Komissarov, S.L. Deutscher, SL, and J.J. Tanner
Acta Cryst. (2000), D56, 1007-1011.

21. Conformations of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) in Various Environments.
P.E. Smith and J.J. Tanner, J. J.
J. Mol. Recognit. (2000)13, 27-34


20. Molecular dynamics simulations of NAD+ in solution.
P.E. Smith and J.J. Tanner
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. (1999)121, 8637-8644.

Dr. Tanner’s Postdoctoral Research at University of Houston

19. Unusual Folded Conformation of NAD+ Bound to Flavin Reductase P.
J.J. Tanner, S.-C. Tu,  L.J. Barbour, C.L. Barnes, & K.L. Krause
Protein Science (1999) 8, 1725-1732.
PubMed Abstract

18. Structure of bacterial luciferase beta2 homodimer: Implications for flavin binding.
J.J. Tanner, M.D. Miller, K.S. Wilson, S.-C. Tu & K.L. Krause
Biochemistry (1997) 36, 665.
PubMed Abstract

17.  Crystal structure of flavin reductase P – a dimeric enzyme that provides reduced flavin in Vibrio harveyi.
K.L. Krause, M.D. Miller & J.J. Tanner
In Proceedings:  Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence.  Molecular reporting with photons.
Eds.  J. W. Hastings, L. J. Kricka, & P. E. Stanley.  J. Wiley & Sons, Sussex, (1997) p. 42-49.

16.  Molecular mechanics
J.J. Tanner
Macmillan Encyclopedia of Chemistry (1997) p. 959, Simon & Schuster Macmillan.

15. Flavin reductase P: Structure of a dimeric enzyme that reduces flavin.
J.J. Tanner, B. Lei, S.-C. Tu & K.L. Krause
Biochemistry (1996) 35, 13531.

14.  Determinants of enzyme thermostability observed in the molecular structure of Thermus aquaticusD-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase at 2.5 Angstrom resolution.
J.J. Tanner, R.M. Hecht,  & K.L. Krause
Biochemistry (1996) 35, 2597.

13.  Preliminary crystallographic analysis of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the extreme thermophile Thermus aquaticus.
J. Tanner, R. M.Hecht, M.Pisegna, D. M. Seth & K. L. Krause
Acta Cryst. (1994) D50, 744.

12.  Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of NADPH:FMN oxidoreductase from Vibrio harveyi.
J. Tanner, B. Lei, M. Liu, S.-C. Tu  & Krause, K. L.
J. Mol. Biol. (1994) 241, 283.

11.  2.1 Angstrom structure of Serratia endonuclease suggests a mechanism for binding to double-stranded DNA.
M. D. Miller, J. Tanner,  M. Alpaugh, M. J. Benedik & K. L. Krause
Nature Struct. Biol. (1994) 1, 461.

10. A practical approach to data collection using the R-axis II.
J. Tanner, & K. L. Krause
The Rigaku Journal (1994) 11, 4.

9.  Molecular dynamics simulations and rigid body (TLS) analysis of aspartate carbamoyltransferase: Evidence for an uncoupled R state.
J.J. Tanner, P.E. Smith, & K. L. Krause
Protein Science (1993) 2, 927.

8.  Anti-insulin antibody structure and conformation. II. Molecular dynamics with explicit solvent.
J.J. Tanner, L.J. Nell & J.A. McCammon
Biopolymers (1992) 32, 23.

7.  A comparative study of time dependent quantum mechanical wave packet evolution methods.
T. N. Truong, , J.J. Tanner, P. Bala, J.A. McCammon, D.J.  Kouri, B. Lesyng & D. K. Hoffman
J. Chem. Phys. (1992) 96, 2077.

6.  Ab Initio study of proton transfer in [H3N-H-NH3]+ and [H3N-H-OH2]+.
L. Jaroszewski,  B.L. Lesyng, J.J. Tanner & J.A. McCammon
Chem. Phys. Letters (1990) 175, 282.

5.  A computer-based approach to teaching quantum dynamics.
J.J. Tanner
J. Chem. Ed. (1990) 67, 917.

Dr. Tanner’s Dissertation Research at Brown University

4. Floquet analysis of the far-infrared dissociation of a Morse oscillator.
J.J. Tanner & M.M. Maricq
Phys. Rev. (1989) A40, 4054

3. Far IR dissociation of a highly excited Morse oscillator.
J.J. Tanner & M.M. Maricq
Chem. Phys. Letters (1988) 149, 503.

2.  The role of rotation in the vibrational relaxation of diatomic molecules.
J.J. Tanner & M.M. Maricq
Chem. Phys.  (1988) 119, 307.

1.  A modified Landau-Teller model for vibrational relaxation of small molecular ions.
J.J. Tanner & M.M. Maricq
Chem. Phys. Letters (1987) 138, 495.