The MULE team had the honor of listening to Postdoctoral candidate Mariana Sponchiado at this week’s meeting. Dr. Sponchiado received her DVM in 2013 and then a Double-PhD in Animal Reproduction in 2019. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Florida, looking for a lab to continue her research.
MULE team members sat in on a Presentation from Dr. Sponchiado, From the Endometrium to the Airways and Back. In this presentation, she discussed commonalities of cells found in the airways and cells found in the uterus of several species. If you’re interested in learning more about Dr. Sponchiado’s research, you can find many of her publications here: Sponchiado M – Search Results – PubMed (

Dr. Prather introducing Dr. Sponchiado to the audience